Heather MageeSky was bought for me as a wedding present in July 2011. I was thrilled. Unfortunately by the November Sky wasn’t performing and seemed lame, in pain and when mounting she would collapse to the floor. The vet was called and whilst medical treatment was prescribed so was physiotherapy. Both the vet and Megan came to see Sky and treatment commenced. Poor Sky, she was in a bad way but still trying her best.
Medical treatment started but alongside this, so did the physiotherapy. Megan came to see us weekly and explained that the more committed I was, the better the results. She showed me what to do, how to set up the poles and even made sure I was competent at doing the job. This was a massive support. I took her advice and did exactly as she prescribed each day for as long as it took. Every time I was worried, Megan came to see me and look at Sky. I had never experienced such support from anyone before in all the years I had been a horse owner.
By Christmas Sky clearly had made a change. Her whole body shape had changed. Whilst she still wasn’t 100% the change in her and her shape was amazing.
By Christmas Sky clearly had made a change. Her whole body shape had changed. Whilst she still wasn’t 100% the change in her and her shape was amazing.
Megan also introduced me to her holistic saddler. The saddler and Megan worked together to put a saddle together that suited her shape, needs, sensitivity and would always allow her to move naturally. We had a saddle made and continued treatment. I could see that Sky was actually going to recover.
We moved Sky to Bournefield in the March 2012 as it became apparent that Sky would need ongoing maintenance and needed a different set up to that which she was in. Whilst we had a few blips...each time Megan was so amazingly supportive and knowing we had such expertise was incredibly reassuring. Megan put so much work into Sky and also me and my riding. May 2012 my horse seemed back to normal! We started to compete! Just small and local. By the end of the month we were eventing and by July we were eventing under BE rules. July saw our first double clear! |
We were winning red ribbons in Combined Training, dressage, we were getting ribbons for show jumping. By October it was clear Sky was ready to move on from BE90 to BE100 in the next season.
A year on, Sky is competing in Novice dressage tests and getting placed. She is show jumping 3’3 courses and jumping bigger at home. She is getting ready for her first BE100 eventing classes. All this from a horse who couldn’t bear to take my weight and wasn’t able to work at all. A close eye was kept by Megan which meant Sky never ever became sore again. Her program was designed to build her up. Alongside this though, Megan also looked at me. Megan worked with both Sky and me. This was imperative. I had to understand my horse, ride her to the best of my ability. Look at my posture, the way I sat on a horse and rode the horse. This would all help Sky. Thanks to Megan Rees I now have a horse whose potential is shining through, who is happier than I have ever seen any horse, who will never be in trouble again, who will never be sore again. Sky has a rider who has achieved lifelong dreams and rides at a level they could have only hoped to ever have reached. Sky is an incredibly happy, relaxed horse achieving things we could have both only have dreamt of. All thanks to Megan and the BARC team. |